Speak Truth To Power

A Eurorack power and bus solution which runs from a 9V DC centre positive wallwart.

Build Document


Speak Truth To Power is a Eurorack power and bus solution which runs from a 9V DC centre positive wallwart. Please note that attempting to run Speak Truth To Power from an AC wallwart or a DC centre negative (Boss type) wallwart may damage your Speak Truth To Power. Please check for a DC centre positive symbol on your wallwart:

Speak Truth To Power is based around the Eletechsup DD1718pa DC to DC converter (input 3.3V to 13V DC, output +/-15V). Speak Truth To Power regulates down to +/-12V DC and will supply +12V at 600mA and -12V at 200mA. Although 9V is recommended, it will run on 6V or 12V too. It’s not fussy, but prefers one of those lightweight wallwarts that you might have saved when you threw away your old WIFI router.

Speak Truth To Power features 8 x 16 way Eurorack power headers and status LEDs for both +12V and -12V outputs.

Speak Truth To Power features a standard barrel type power socket. In addition there are solder pads (and strain relief holes) should you wish to wire to an offboard power socket.